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Sunday, January 26, 2025

26 - “God Trumps Moses With His Power” Exodus 4

#26 God trumped Moses with His Power—-Who made your mouth, Moses? Go. And God Himself will be with your words, Exodus 4:11-12


Do I really know that the Lord is concerned about me and sees everything that I am going through? Exodus 4:33.  May I know that deep down where it really counts.

It appears in our celebrity society that the most talented get the positions of importance; the most gifted climb to the top.  In God's economy what counts is that He gives us the power to face whatever comes our way.  "Moses continued backward to the work God designed him for; there was mch of cowardice, slothfulness, and unbelief in him.  We must not judge of men by the readiness of their discourse.  A great deal of wisdom and true worth may be with a slow tongue." Matthew Henry Commentary.

"Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go...” Exodus 4:11

This statesman.  
Claims to be no orator.  
Called to be God's mouthpiece.  
Acts 7:22, mighty in Word.  Straight to the purposes of God.  
Deut 32:2 distilled like dew to my thirsty soul.  
So, go.  And do the Word.

And the river turns to blood ...
A sign ...
A miracle ...
I AM with your mouth. Behold, they will not believe me.
I relate too much to this statement. 
"They won't listen to my voice."
What if people don't?
Does feedback validate you?

Exodus 4:5 - Oh, that I may believe that this God of Moses, God Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob---He appeared to them. He is speaking to me! And I believe God---it's me that I have a problem with. So God delivers to Moses a couple of miracles. Doesn't happen often in the Bible that a man can perform this kind of thing. Rods turned to snakes. Hands turned to lepers. Rivers turned to blood. 

Yet Moses discredits himself. His teaching was like rain falling on thirsty souls, distilled as the dew (Deut 32:2). His weighty words were mighty, yet slow, stammering. So, God---can you find another "fit" for this errand? "Send someone else." Exodus 4:14. So how did God grab his attention, get his heart? God trumps Moses with His Power. "Who has made man's mouth? Exodus 4:11. And God overwhelms Moses and me this very day with His Grace and Kindness in Exodus 4:12 ~ "Now, therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak." I don't think there are any words left for me to say. God promised His Presence to Moses' mouth. I'm sobbing over here. May we repent from our foolish ways

PHOTO:  Melt our hearts, like snow in soon spring.  

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