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Monday, January 20, 2025

20 - “Forgotten” Genesis 40-41; Matthew 13

 #20 We must not think it strange in this world if slights are returned for our kindness. Live content to prove yourself innocent—-don’t upbraid others with their guilt.  Genesis 40:23. 


More than a decade ago, a forgotten thing happened to me that changed my world upside down forever. I didn't think I could go on. God empowers us and gives us our very breath to fall forward and trust. The chief butler does nothing for Joseph. Genesis 40:23. “The chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.” We forget about God. God never forgets. The Matthew Henry  commentary says: We must not think it strange, if in this world we have hatred shown us for our love, and slights for our kindness. See how apt those who are themselves at ease are to forget others in distress. Joseph learned by his disappointment to trust in God only. We cannot expect too little from man, nor too much from God. 

Genesis 40:15 is such a telling verse. A story in a tweet. "For I was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing that they should have put me into the dungeon.” Genesis 40:14-15. And I LOVE what Matthew Henry says about this verse: "Joseph does not reflect upon his brethren that sold him; nor does he reflect on the wrong done him by his mistress and his master, but mildly states his own innocence. When we are called on to clear ourselves, we should carefully avoid, as much as may be, speaking ill of others. Let us be content to prove ourselves innocent, and not upbraid others with their guilt." Matthew Henry Commentary 

Then, what maybe two years later, an opportunity to interpret Pharaoh's dream comes. Joseph interprets it right! Gen 40:23 - FORGOTTEN a.g.a.i.n. That's 3 major times...forgotten by his brothers; forgotten by the cupbearer; forgotten by Pharaoh. Joseph found something within those four prison walls that could not keep him bound. He found Peace. He found Rest. Am I looking for my circumstances to change or for my heart to find rest in the midst of my mess. Joseph found a good God who didn't deliver Him out of his least not yet.

Jesus told stories to invite them to come closer. Stories about how the tiniest Mustard Seed will one day be the biggest shade tree ever.  We can be a Psalm1 offering stability and shade to our friends. And how One Beautiful Day - Matthew 13:43  "The righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father."  That so stirs something within me!  There are longings in all of us for One Thing:  

       We are men & women in misery who want only One Thing
       Not relief from our misery (althought that would be nice)
       But HOPE ---
       Hope of Intimacy and Meaning and Joy Forever, 
       in Relationship with Our God
       Who is redeeming our story.                                       66 LL

PHOTO:  I stood here a few months after that January 13th when I didn't know if I could make it.  Alone on the beach.  And an unknown lady walked up to me and said:  "You are going to be okay."  God sends hope along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I had been praying (and still am) for a long time, years, for God to make himself real to a person I care deeply about, for God to not give up on this person. This person was sharing some of their struggles in finding a pyschiatrist/possible medication/ or just answers, suddenly they stopped and looked at me and said “you know I don’t understand why all the doctors I have found are always Christians.” I almost burst into tears because I knew that was God telling me he heard me and that He had not given up on them.
    Expect great things from God always and always count on His deep love for us all.
    I did tell the person why they kept getting Christian doctors and I told them I would not stop praying for them. I didn’t get a response, but at least they got see my faith in the living God worked out in real life and His love shown to them even when they didn’t ask for it.
    God humbled me for my lagging faith at that point and showed me how much He cares to let me know in such a wonderful way. I can’t express the deep deep love I felt and how unworthy I felt for that love. God is so very much more than I can understand and I am so grateful that He is who He says He is! Thank you God!
