11 - Go to “The Well of the One Who Sees Me” and live in dependence on the right things. Genesis 25:11
God says right here if we ask for a fish, He won't give us a snake. Oh for deep discernment to see what is truly going on around us. The transition to verse 7 is stark. The preceding verses talk of judging others. We are bent on changing our husbands, our children, our friends. But God interrupts us here and says---Ask! How shall we dare love and give and seek? Only by His Power. So, ask!“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7. Absolute words! Ask! Seek! Knock! "Distinct degrees of intensity," says Matthew Henry.
The beautiful point of this sermon on a mount is that in all of our difficulties, large or small, we are to seek God's Hand. Persevere importunately. It is always right to desire the good things. It is always wrong to demand and connive to get them for ourselves. Do we walk after our own eyes? Job 31:7. "If we use ourselves to deny ourselves, we break the force of most temptations." M. Henry. Esau wasn't starving to death for pottage in that wealthy house, he just held contempt for the supposed blessings---what good are they when I am dead? So Esau makes a really bad bargain by eating and drinking and pleasing his own palate and "put the bargain past recall." Genesis 25:33. Esau doesn't give much thought to this one. "People are ruined, not so much by doing what is amiss, as by doing it and not repenting of it." M. Henry. Nothing has meant more to me in my
On "Biblehub," their theologian attests to the beauty of God's Power moving in miracles in a watershed experience: "When God performs a miracle, His abundant Power often does not stop with that initial miracle," and look . . . Abraham has his first child at 100 and goes on to have another one. Here are some other examples from the Word:
1. When Hannah (who was barren) had her prayer answered for a son (Samuel),
she was later blessed with 3 more sons and 2 daughters - I Sam 1; 2.
2. After the miracle of Jesus' resurrection, many bodies of saints around Jerusalem
came out of their graves and appeared to many - Matthew 27.
"God's Power knows no limits."
And then it happened, Isaac lost the stalwart love of his life, his father Abraham. "And Isaac settled at Beer-lahai-roi. Gen 25:11. In his sorrow and distress and aloneness, Isaac went to the well of the One Who Sees Me. The well where he met his beloved Rebekah. The same spot where Hagar had gone for help in the wilderness. Ishmael went once but it was a casual visit, like worldly people attending church on Christmas and Easter. On the other hand, Isaac "dwelt" there and made this well his source of living supply. Isaac knew where to live in dependence on the right things. It was there, in this wilderness, Isaac grew. "Where a man dwells is a huge test of what he is made of. Where we spend our time. May God find us living at Beer-lahai-roi.
PHOTO: One of the most unspeakably beautiful places I have ever experienced.
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