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Friday, December 27, 2024

361 - "Where Are You?" Revelation 14-18

 performance or lack thereof, but because of His Love. Wait only on Him.



Rev 17:8 -  "Earth dwellers whose names weren't written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will be dazzled when they see the Beast that once was, is no longer, and is to come."

Revelation 18:16  "Everything you've lived for, gone! All delicate and delectable luxury, lost!"  That's if your name isn't in the Book of Life.

"Where are you?"  It's a question asked to Adam after he blew it and tried to hide under fig leaves.  It's the same question that resonates in the Book of Revelations.  Where are you?  What are you struggling with? Are you really happy in life? 66 LL says:  "A happy God, a very happy God, created you to be happy.  And He has a plan...The happiness God gives in this life (not in the next) is discovered when we feel and embrace the profound disappointment that comes from living in a world that cannot satisfy our deepest desires and when we face and confess our entitled demand that we experience complete satisfaction now.  It's then that the Spirit of God puts us in touch with the hope from which springs the faith and love that keep us dancing into other people's lives.  And that's our happiness, for now.  (It's not the way I expected to pursue happiness.)...It would be a good idea when we hear God asking where we are for all of us to sit quietly enough and long enough to look squarely into the unpleasant reality that nothing that we're enjoying now is guaranteed to last, that things will get rough for all of us before we die, and that the happiness we rightly long for needs a better foundation than all the good things available in this world."  So, where am I?  What desires burn brightly in my soul this day AND am I still not satisfied?  So am I moving toward God and His Plan A or am I hiding, distant, or neglectful. 

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