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Sunday, November 24, 2024

328 - “Providence Is Calling” 1 Corinthians 7-8


Divine Providence has called me.  And that makes all the difference in how I view this life of mine.

"Our comfort and happiness depend on what we are to Christ, not what we are in the world."  Matthew Henry.  But this celebrity society where I live wants me to be somebody special.  This ministry world where I live says leave a mega mark on the Kingdom of God.  And what if my life is ordinary and holy?

It is our privilege to be content with where and how and who and when God calls.  "God has called us in peace."  I Cor 7:15.  Make it our amibition to lead a quiet life.  Abiding where we have been placed by Divine Providence.

"Only as the Lord has distributed to each man, as God has called each, so let him walk."  I Cor 7:17.  "Let each man stay in that calling in which he was called."  I Cor 7:20.  "You were bought with a price.  Don't become servants of men."  I Cor 7:23.

 May we serve no man but You.  For this calling on our lives, we are marked and grateful.  Forever.  Help us this day to know a little bit deeper that it is Your Divine Providence that has placed us right where we are.  May we find our contentment in you, not in ministry or success or approval of man.  Help us all, dear God.

PHOTO:  Sitting on this tiny island reflecting on these thoughts. It is a narrow road we are on. 

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