In Acts 17: 16 Paul enters the pinnacle city of religious commitment, Athens. The place where scholars long to be. But, Paul isn't captivated by what he sees. He calls it as it is: idols. God isn't calling us to improve ourselves and he shoots down their mistaken philosophy. And Paul calls it what it is: sin. The service of idols. Rather than the service of the one, true, God. That's the good work Paul came to do in Athens, the center of philosophy. May we lay down our philosophical talk today and serve the Living God.
Acts 17:26. It's the verse God gave me on the day my first daughter was born. This God is not served by human hands. He gives life and breath and everything to you. And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth. He determined your allotted periods and the boundaries of your dwelling place. That you should seek God! And feel your way toward Him and find Him. She will wherever on the face of the earth she is. He is not far from each of us. In Him, we live and move and have our being.
PHOTO: Here I am with my firstborn girl’s little one. God gave life and breath and determined all of this. Beyond beauty of what I knew.
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