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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

267 - “The Sun of Righteousness Rises With Healing” Malachi 1-4, Psalm 50


Honor me by bringing your best to Me (Malachi 1:11).  What is the best I can give my God this day?   Listen to Me.  Obediently listen (2:1).  Don't whine if you don't get what you want from God (2:2).  Don't break the faith-bond with your vowed companion (2:2).   God was there when you made your vow and inhabits the smallest details of marriage (2:15).  Guard the Spirit of Marriage within you.  Watch yourselves.  Don't let your guard down (2:16).   Return to Me so I can return to you (3:7).  Return by being honest (3:8).  Test me in your tithe and see if I don't open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams (3:16).  God sees what you are doing and is listening in.  HE is taking minutes even this day as you talk things over.  Your names are written down for you honor Him so (4:2).  That's happening in the Unseen World this very day.  The Sun of Righteousness will dawn with Healing in His Wings.  Remember and Keep the Revelation (4:4).  Look ahead, I'm sending Elijah. 

What God wants me to hear in this book:  I have loved you!  "I have loved you in a way that people who live for no higher purpose than to enjoy this life do not realize...I have chosen you to be part of My plan to restore this earth to its full beauty and My people to their full beauty."  66 LL.  Yet, you weary Me with your idea that people enjoying the pleasant life of prosperity and peace are the real winners while saints like Paul and Mother Teresa are the losers---arrogance."  66 LL. 

"Return to Me, not for the blessings of life that bring pleasure but for the blessing of My Presence that sustains hope." Prisoners of Hope.  66 LL.  And God became silent for 450 years.
As we close the pages of the Old Testament, what is one verse that God brings to your mind this day from all that you have read this year?   Disturbing questions here.  
Do we ask the same questions today?

How have you loved us, God, cause we don't see it.
How have we polluted you, God, cause we don't know.
How have we wearied you with our words, God.
How do we really return to you.
How have we robbed you.
How have we spoken against you.

If we really understand the sin in our hearts, we wouldn't be asking these questions. We are guilty. And it is covered. And God pursues us even in the midst of our sins. So return and repent. For there is a First Coming of Baby Jesus that we know---and a Second Coming of Christ, burning like an oven, where all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. Malachi 4:1

But you. Fear His Name.
The Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. Mal. 4:2
And you will be like Jerusalem dancing once again.
Leaping like calves from the stall.
The Great Day is just Around the Corner.
That's what Malachi said.
And the Lord goes silent for a few hundred years.
Now, we have no prophets.
We have the sacred scriptures, the Living Word.

PHOTO:  The Sun of Righteousness.  Photo of the Sun taken at my favorite spot in the wide world.

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