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Friday, August 23, 2024

235 - “And The Word Came Again and Again” Jeremiah 49-50


It's a very intentional thing. The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. And it came. And it came. And he shared it, even with his friends, like the King of Babylon---the one who had befriended him. Jeremiah 50:1. And it wasn't the popular message of the day. It was the Truth that could set them free Jeremiah 49:14, 34. And the comfort of a God of Hope moved them to a good place in the midst of their suffering.

"Might often prevails against right among men, yet that might shall be controlled by the Almighty, who judges aright; and those will find themselves mistaken, who, like the Ammonites, think every thing they  own on which they can lay their hands is theirs. The Lord will call men to account for every instance of dishonesty, especially to the destitute."  Matthew Henry

And the Word of the Lord comes to us this day.  What will we do with it?

Father, it's one thing to share Truth with those who are ready to receive it.  But, to share boldly like Jeremiah did to those whose hearts were hardened is quite overwhelming.  Father, make us bold on the inside.  The iron clad grip of the Holy Spirit controlling our moments.

PHOTO:  The clouds roll. The sun beats.  The prey roams.  The Lord moves.  Help me hear.  Help me see.  Help me live differently.

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