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Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 16 "White-Hot Race" Galatians 4-6

You were running a good race.
Who cut in on you?
Why should you let them DQ you from the race?

Can we "name" what we are doing in the race of life?
Name our sins, the works of the flesh.
Name our stirrings, the fruits of the Spirit.
It's not our goals to go after; it's His Spirit to impart.

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Gal. 6:22.

What about our passions and desires here on this earth?
They are crucified.  Gal 6:24.

Live by the Spirit.
Let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

Keep running the race.
And when someone cuts in, let them go.
When our passions burn white-hot, let them go.

DEAR GOD, PLEASE CHANGE ME IN 10,000 MOMENTS OF THIS ANNUAL RACE I RUN.  The race ends today.  A new year starts for me.  A brand new fresh page.  I cannot do anything about the race in the books.  I can keep in step this first day of my year.  Checking my passions not the boxes.  Leaning forward to that Finish Line.  And starting all over again.  Called to live by the Spirit.


1 comment:

  1. I love reading of the fruits of the Spirit as I run (often I walk or crawl) this race. I 'm praying to bestow Grace as it has been lavishly been applied to me.
