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Monday, September 7, 2015

September 8 "How Arrogant to Think..." Ezekiel 28-30

"Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendor."
Ezek 28:17

In this celebrity society of ours.
We hallow looks and lavish lifestyles.
It's the very thing that can turn us away.
How arrogant to think we want success stories.
If we could just do it over again.
But our hearts are proud.
And we'd become proud again.
May we walk humbly this day before our God.

DEAR GOD, PLEASE CHANGE ME IN MY 10,000 MOMENTS.  May I know deep inside of me that a dichotomy of values surround me.  Teach me to hold on to eternal things not earthly.  Help me to know this very day what wisdom I have tainted in trying to believe.  


  1. Powerful words strike me yo the core. Lately I've been tortured by painful memories of my failures as a mother, wife, and daughter. What arrogance to wish for a second chance, the miracle is the work God has done in me through the pain. Amazing mercy and grace

  2. I've been thinking the very same over here. Longing for another chance but there is none. But we couldn't do it perfect. Somehow, I think if I changed some of what I did, it would be different results. I'm so obsessed Janet with the outcome. God's Love must trump all these thoughts. Do I love Him more than being a good parent, wife, and daughter? I'm so torn up over here, Janet!
