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Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 12 "Do I Love God More" Genesis 35-37

The brothers all sat down to eat bread together while their abandoned brother begged for help from the bottom of a waterless cistern.  The brothers shared their water with each other---but how could they trust each other?  Only Ruben showed a morsel of guilt with an intent to go back after-a-while and rescue the tossed away Joseph.  And Ruben was the oldest of the clan---the one with the most reason for revenge, the number one child.  Israel loved his son Joseph way too much---is there such a thing?  Did Israel love well?

"Loved more than the other sons." Genesis 37:3

DEAR GOD, CHANGE ME IN ONE OF THESE 10,000 MOMENTS: Help me love every person in my path not for what they can do for me; not because of their worth; not because of their position in life.  Let me learn to love this brand new year all those you humbly place in our path.

PHOTO:  In the middle of nowhere.  Stiff-armed by no water and overwhelming jealousy and a silent God.  Joseph embraces all 3 in a dank dark cistern---no water; no love; no sign of God in the pit.  

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