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Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 3 "Enmeshed in This World" Romans 9

"This great truth this Scripture teaches us. Even among the vast number of professing Christians it is to be feared that only a remnant will be saved."  Matthew Henry.  Many call on His Name.  And He will say to some:  I never knew you.  If we are a stranger to any of this Gospel, may we move into friendship forever.  These promises are for you and for me.  The Sovereignty of God.  The Justification of everything we are---not by works, only by faith.  We believe.  We have been called to this "sovereign electing Love of God."  O King of Love

My lips will praise
O King of Love
Who sealed my fate
for realms above.
In sin & shame
came mercies flood.
I run to You
O King of Love.
"Old Hymn"

COME BOLDLY:  Timeless Prayers
O King of Love, You have called each of us to be Your Own.  Change our hearts like you did to Jacob, open and waiting.  May we never go the way of Esau, perverse and closed.  They both came from good stock.  And their roads diverged.  May we walk the way of faith and work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  O King of Love.

PHOTO:  A bird's eye view of Texas.  You look down in love for the Jacobs of this world.  May we not miss the grace of God and be found in You, not like Esau, enmeshed in this world.  The road is narrow and few will find it.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, Show me if there is any unbelief in me! Continue to burden me to pray for Israel and Your lost sheep.
