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Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21 "Rain Righteousness" Hosea 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

They forgot their Maker and built palaces. But castles can crumble.
They played the whore, forsaking God. 
But wages buy things not peace. 
Their hearts were false.
But divided lives run separate tracks. 
Hosea 10:2

Rev 21 - God will make all things right.
But for this day, Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap steadfast love;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is the time to seek the Lord,
that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.

Father, Hosea 12:6 sums my soul:
By Your Help,
I will return today
I will hold fast to love and justice.
I will wait continually for You.
And I will expect You to do much.
You are God!

COME BOLDLY:  Timeless Prayers
Oh Father, You are the One Who teaches us how to walk.  You've taken us up in Your Arms and we don't even know that we are healed.  You lead us with cords of kindness, with bands of love.  You ease the yoke on these clamped tight jaws of ours.  You bend down and You feed us.  So humbling. So beautiful.  That You, Omnipotent God would take such a posture for me.  With warm and tender Compassion.  You truly are in our midst and we cannot thank you enough.  Hosea 11:3-5

PHOTO:  God turns our world upside down when we return to Him.  He's always been there.  Leading with Kindness. Bending down with Compassion.  Directing our every step til we learn to walk. 

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