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Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3 "Hardship After Hardship" Job 10:17

The God Who stretched out the heavens here,
Is there an Arbitrator between God and us?  
Can we voice a complaint for a bad hand?
Who argues with the God who sets the sun?

Job 10:17 "Hardship after Hardship" is all that Job knew.  Some seasons, it may be all we know, too.  Job was ready to dispute & despair of his life.  Job 10:1.  Too much.  All he knew was pain.  His friends immediately try to explain God and His Dealings.  Do we do that to people?  Do we feel that we have to defend God?  Do we sense a pressure to rescue family and friends out of what God has put them through.

Psalm 25:20 Guard my life and rescue me, O God.  Don't let me depend on the rescue of men.  Do not let me be put to shame in my hardships but may I trust in You and whatever Refuge You provide.

OVERVIEW: Job 8-10 

1 comment:

  1. The Sovereignty of God

    Job knew his place before God. He understood if he sinned, woe to him. If he thought himself righteous enough to lift his head before God, he'd be proud and God would not be happy. Who can question God?

    So many people think like Bildad that God rewards the good, often they believe with riches, and silly things like parking places. What Job knew was he could be grateful for those things, but never think he deserved them or earned them. There is such a danger in this prevalent theology today. If we think we can do something in our own power to cause favor, that is the very thing that causes us to sin.

    Job also understood God's place. Wherever we are, there we are with God. He sees. He provides a path straight to Him. And He has great mercy and love for us. Even when it looks the darkest, no, especially when it looks the darkest, He is the One Job turns to, to plead his misery. He knows that God is sovereign and good, and any mercy He shows us is more than we deserve.

    It's so common to discount God's power, God's sovereignty if we are not careful. He's given us access because of Jesus, and even called us "Friend." And He's still the God of Job who can test us as He wills. And we know, like Job, that though our flesh is destroyed, in the End we will see God with our own eyes.
