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Friday, January 3, 2025

3 - "Live to Cover Not to Expose" Genesis 7-9; Matthew 3

#3 The Lord shut Noah in an ark for one year. Has the Lord "shut us in" to make us holy? Genesis 7:16. And here's another thought from today's reading - Live to "cover" not to "expose." Genesis 9:26. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
                                                                                      State of Florida Library
Flooding from the worst engineering disaster in US history decimated 80% of my hometown of New Orleans and displaced every known living relative of my parents.  I never heard again from the handful of relatives.  Catalytic.  Catastrophic.

Noah never heard again from any of the thousands of people who died in the flood of his day---those who held evil intentions continually. Serious business here. 8 Survivors.  Noah lived because he found favor and walked with God---and he took his family with him.   

What would it be like to see your world fall apart in front of your ark window while you rocked safely on the untested waters for six months, crammed next to your questioning family and not-so-quiet thousands of animals---some commentaries say 16,000 in all.  An unbelievable story of faith in the midst of screaming deadly circumstances.  What things loom and look impossible to me this year?  Even this week!  "The Lord shut them in" ~ Genesis 7:16.  Has the Lord "shut us in" to make us holy? 

May we know this day, we are a remembered tribe.  And that changes everything.  I hope I remember how much I want new eyes, new ears, a new voice.  And to be like the two brothers in Genesis 9:26 covering their father's shame.  Moving in to truly love. Wonder what that looks like in this life of ours?  I know it's not a safe dismissiveness.  No.  No cool distances.  Move to love. Live to cover not to expose. A blanket of grace. 

And in the NT, the question of living right, good morals, is center stage. If I drop a piece of info into the right slot, would it be morally right?  Do I live by morals alone? "Here is the rub: one must be more zealous to please God than to avoid sin. One's obedience to God must be forward-oriented and zealous and free, and to be a mere moralist or pietist would make such a life impossible." Eric Metaxas. Matthew 3:3 Prepare the way. It's not about "doing" but about "being," and You, Holy Spirit, to help us in this life of ours prepare the way for our Lord.  

PHOTO:  State of Florida library. Copyright free. 


  1. I cannot imagine life on the Ark. Today people complain if they are "stuck inside" during a 4 hour rain shower because they have nothing to do. Noah's faith is such a testimony to me.

    Those that entered, male and female of all flesh, entered as God had commanded him; and the Lord closed it behind him.

    The Lord closed it behind him - sometimes I tend to look for an open door if one closes, I think I should reflect more on the closed door as in why did the Lord close it. Is it for my spiritual/mental/physical protection?

  2. How the reading of God's Word and your thoughts Bev, and everyone else's thoughts bless my heart and give me food for thought. How God has used this String of Pearls over and over in my life.

    Praying to see the open and shut doors this year as ALL from the hand of God. Have always seen them this way, but will look at the shut doors much more closely now than before.

    Also, the thought of Him hovering over me and mine and picturing Him getting ready to move is an awesome word picture. Seeing Him work in my son's life in dramatic ways has been such a blessing and eye opener. Know He is mowing in daughter's life too, it's just that she has followed Him much closer in years past than my son, but know He moved mightily last month. Waiting to see that fruit. Exciting!!!!

    Love the Psalms you are giving as prayers, Bev. They are seemingly just for me. Bless you and your ministry.

  3. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Spared, provided for, because of His obedience building a ridiculous ark for years before there was a cloud in the sky. It's always struck me as so loving that God shut the door at the right time. He knew how hard it would be for Noah to say goodbye.

    And I'm afraid if I were Noah, I'd look out that window and see the mess more than I'd see the miracle.

    Lord help our perspective to be focused on You, not the floods, but take refuge as You shut the door and cocoon us in safety and provision.

  4. I'm looking forward to being back with the Pearls this year! So glad to be back in Genesis too.

    As I read about Noah, I kept thinking how difficult it must have been for him to obey God in such an odd command. "Build a big boat because it's going to rain?? What's that?? Everyone's going to think I'm crazy." Or maybe not. He was a righteous man, blameless. Did he follow God unquestioningly? I don't know; it just says that Noah did all that God commanded him. (6:22)

    I'm struggling to follow God in some areas that take real courage. Difficult relationships. I'm feeling very shut in but am choosing to trust that I'm hearing from the Lord and obeying Him. I know His voice and that these circumstances are for my good as well.

    But I perceive that others are just as convinced that I'm wrong and mean and NOT hearing from the Lord. I know that my heart is unsettled because I'm fearing man and my own emotions more than I'm fearing God.

    Praying for strength and courage today to obey God in the hard things. Like Noah, I want to follow God even when others think I'm crazy and wrong.

  5. Abba's Girl ~ So nice to see you here. Your weighty words are welcomed. It's that heart of yours!

    Mary Lou ~ Your mother's heart stirs me so. Always has. Always will.

    Annette ~ One word from you changes things for me. Thank you for being so faithful to God's Word over the past WAIT!!!! Is this our 6th year together? How is that it seems like I've never read this before until now. Oh Ps 69:16 - His Steadfast Love is so Good toward us.

    Cici - So thrilled you dropped in for a spell! Love your huge heart for Him! Praying for you in your present "flood" of circumstances. This I know---Satan is defeated in your little life! Love you girl!
