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Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 3 ... Ezekiel 16 - 17 "Your Beauty Went to Your Head"

We live in such a celebrity society.  If you know any of those people or rub shoulders with them, your stock goes up.  How sad.  I sat at a prestigious gathering of the country's best athletes and the announcer said:  "Look around.  Anybody who is anybody in our country is in this room tonight."  Oh my.  There are no "big people" and "little people" in this world. 

Ezekiel 16: 15 -16 "Your beauty went to your head and you became a common whore ... and then you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had given birth to as my children, and you killed them, sacrificing them to idols.  Not once during these years of outrageous obscenities and whorings did you remember your infancy.  ... You were different from regular whores in that you wouldn't accept a perverted whoredom."   They didn't remember what God had done for them. 

Ezekiel 16: 44 - 45  "Like mother, like daughter. You're the daughter of your mother, who couldn't stand her husband and children. And you're a true sister of your sisters, who couldn't stand their husbands and children. ...  What a reputation to carry into history: outsinning your two sisters!"

Ezekiel 16: 59 - 63  "God, the Master, says, I'll do to you just as you have already done, you who have treated my oath with contempt and broken the covenant. All the same, I'll remember the covenant I made with you when you were young and I'll make a new covenant with you that will last forever."

No matter how grave the sin.  No matter how horrific are the consequences.  If we are willing and we surrender, God will make us new again.  A New Covenant.  Covered.  Not what we deserve.  Lasts forever.  Unbelievable! 

"To know Me in my holiness is to know yourself in your sinfulness." 66 LL.
No big people.  No little people.
  Do I really know myself?


  1. Bev, I'm still with the Pearls. Thanks for remembering me. It has been a whirlwind the last couple of weeks. All three of our kiddos are in high school and I'm running everyday of the week. May the Lord be with me in my comings and goings!

    I'm encouraged, challenged, strengthened by God's word and the thoughts shared by the other women. I'm excited for the Lord helping me to read through His entire Love Letters. I have never read the entire Bible through and have gotten so much reading it as a peronsal letter to me. Wow. He is amazing. He is Holy.

    Thanks for opening the window of your heart to us. I am currently reading Elisabeth Elliot's Lonliness and this stuck out at me today. I've know this in my head; but it is finally reaching my heart.

    ‎"We may be earnestly desiring to be obedient and holy. But we may be missing the fact that it is here, this moment..., that we may learn to love Him-here where it seems He is not at work, where His will seems obscure or frightening, ...not doing what we expected..., where He is most absent. Here and nowhere else the appointed place. If faith does not go to work here, it will not go to work at all."

  2. Hi Annette. Sylvia called me to let me know about the possibility of a retreat in October. I am free the first weekend, planning on being in Pittsburg with Sylvia on the 15. Thanks for thinking of everyone.

  3. How's October 3 for the retreat? Is that enough time for you, Deborah? If so, let's say October 3 at the ranch! We can have a wonderful retreat/getaway! I would so love to see you all.

  4. Deborah, I pray Oct 3rd is enough time for you as I look forward to visting with you and praying with you in person.

    Annette, Oct 3rd is Sunday is that the day we should arrive? When you have time and can provide more details let us all know or you may want to use e-mail.

    I am praying now for God to bring the Pearls to Texas that we may grow in HIM and glorify His Holy Name.

    This is a Song I must Sing.

  5. I've been missing you pearls! So good to hear from you.

    October 3rd will be fine for me, Annette. Please let me know how I can help out with anything, okay?

    Perfect timing...right about the time we begin the New Testament readings.

    I believe I would have been one in the times of Ezekial, Jeremiah and Isaiah longing for Messiah to come.

    Now, we all long for Him to rapture us to Glory...

    My sister told me the other day that she had read that life here on earth for a Christian is h*ll...or as much as we will ever have to experience.

    For a non-Christian it is heaven, or as much as they will ever experience of heaven.

    If this is all the h*ll I'll ever have to experience, then I know I'll be fine. But to never get a glimpse of Jesus? To never see angels or the splendor of God??? What a sad thought that THIS is all the heaven some people will ever experience.

    Praying for those who are lost to come to Christ. So sad to miss Him and never know Him...
